This time it is my old friend/enemy sinusitis. Before Christmas, it was the wisdom tooth extraction. The year before it was the gall bladder removal. Each time I lie on the sofa, watching films of varying quality on TV and waiting to feel better. Eventually, I get going, gradually walk a little further each day until finally I get back to work.

I noted that most of my dreams and plans are for the fit and active me, not the one on the sofa. I try not to think that increased time lying on the sofa feeling grotty is just what happens as I get older.  But if it is, then future plans should take account of it. What kind of sofa? where do I want it to be? etc. I think I want a large squashy sofa in a big light room, high ceiling, double windows floor to ceiling as in classic Parisian flat, a broad coffee table piled with books I haven’t yet read.

Back in the gloom of a cottage in January with brown mud outside, I enjoy my squashy sofa and getting acquainted with my new iphone (it does everything!), occasionally walking out to the kitchen for mugs of tea and to put a bit more paint on the latest canvas.